Blossoms of Chinese Flowering Crabapple Boost Tourism in N China's Tianjin

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Blossoms of Chinese Flowering Crabapple Boost Tourism in N China's Tianjin

 April 3, 2023
Blossoms of Chinese Flowering Crabapple Boost Tourism in N China's Tianjin
This aerial photo taken on March 31, 2023 shows a light show themed on Chinese flowering crabapple at the Wudadao historical urban area, or the Five Great Avenues, in north China's Tianjin. The Wudadao historical urban area, or the Five Great Avenues, in north China's Tianjin attracted flocks of visitors during the blooming season of Chinese flowering crabapple recently. In order to further embrace the tourism boom brought by the blossoms, Heping District of Tianjin launched a series of events themed on Chinese flowering crabapple from March 31 to April 9, featuring float parade, light show and cultural fair. [Xinhua/Zhao Zishuo]


Blossoms of Chinese Flowering Crabapple Boost Tourism in N China's Tianjin
Tourists take part in an activity themed on Chinese flowering crabapple at the Wudadao historical urban area, or the Five Great Avenues, in north China's Tianjin, April 1, 2023. [Xinhua/Zhao Zishuo]


Blossoms of Chinese Flowering Crabapple Boost Tourism in N China's Tianjin
Tourists visit the Wudadao historical urban area, or the Five Great Avenues, in north China's Tianjin, March 31, 2023. [Xinhua/Zhao Zishuo]


Blossoms of Chinese Flowering Crabapple Boost Tourism in N China's Tianjin
Tourists visit the Wudadao historical urban area, or the Five Great Avenues, in north China's Tianjin, April 1, 2023. [Xinhua/Zhao Zishuo]


Blossoms of Chinese Flowering Crabapple Boost Tourism in N China's Tianjin
A float parade is held at the Wudadao historical urban area, or the Five Great Avenues, in north China's Tianjin, March 31, 2023. [Xinhua/Zhao Zishuo]


Blossoms of Chinese Flowering Crabapple Boost Tourism in N China's Tianjin
Tourists take photos at the Dali Avenue of the Wudadao historical urban area, or the Five Great Avenues, in north China's Tianjin, March 31, 2023. [Xinhua/Zhao Zishuo]


Blossoms of Chinese Flowering Crabapple Boost Tourism in N China's Tianjin
Tourists take a carriage while visiting the Wudadao historical urban area, or the Five Great Avenues, in north China's Tianjin, April 1, 2023. [Xinhua/Zhao Zishuo]


Blossoms of Chinese Flowering Crabapple Boost Tourism in N China's Tianjin
This photo taken on March 31, 2023 shows a light show themed on Chinese flowering crabapple at the Wudadao historical urban area, or the Five Great Avenues, in north China's Tianjin. [Xinhua/Zhao Zishuo]


Blossoms of Chinese Flowering Crabapple Boost Tourism in N China's Tianjin
This aerial photo taken on March 31, 2023 shows people visiting the Dali Avenue at the Wudadao historical urban area, or the Five Great Avenues, in north China's Tianjin. [Xinhua/Zhao Zishuo]


(Source: Xinhua)


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